Coronavirus in Aged Care
Unfortunately, this quarter’s QUM Priority Topic comes at a time of unprecedented risk to our industry and residents. I would like to assure you that the full weight of Choice Aged Care’s clinical capabilities (systems and consultants) remain functional and are being deployed to assist clients through the challenges ahead. Here is our emergency clinical assistance package for clients, scoped within our existing QUM/RMMR Agreements:

In-service/seminar: Infection Control: Influenza and COVID-19
- A 30 minute on-site or video-conference presentation delivered by the RMMR pharmacist.
- As above, we have established a system to deliver this seminar remotely if lock-downs require.
- Seminar Handout Notes are provided.

Online eLearning module: Infection Control: Influenza and COVID-19
- A 30 mins / 0.5 CPD module. Uploaded to the TLC Hub online learning platform.
- A non LMS link embedded on our website will also be provided for module access by residents and family.

The PPASS-3 Tool now has an Antimicrobial Stewardship add-on
- Information sheet attached to this email.
This excellent enhancement to the PPASS-3 Tool may however not be a major priority right now.

Environmental Microbe Surface Testing and Benchmarking
- The service was originally designed to support our clients’ compliance with the Quality Framework Requirements relating to a clean & safe service environment and antimicrobial stewardship.
- This high-level capacity our team has developed will be critically valuable in this new era of risk management, rigorous infection control and extreme outbreak management protocols.
- Our clinical pharmacists in the field will be conducting microbe surface testing, incubation and a benchmarking analyse for agar dip-slides that determine Total Microbe Count.
- This provides the most reliable indicator possible on facility cleaning procedure effectiveness and staff/visitor hand hygiene compliance.
- Please schedule in this FREE service using the attached information and booking form.
COVID-19 Targeted RMMRs
- Through April, May and June 2020 we will be focussing our RMMR service on those residents at particularly high risk of mortality from COVID-19. We will collaborate directly with GPs to coordinate urgent referrals for residents who have a history of acute or chronic respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease.
- The pharmacist’s aim will be to ensure the resident’s chronic disease management is optimised, no medication burden exists that may compromise survivability; and that clinical contingencies are in place.

Live Online Forums: Influenza and COVID-19
- Family
- Residents
- Staff
- We can appreciate that our client nurses/managers are presently dealing with a tremendous amount of anxiety from residents and family and much of it may be related to misinformation exposure. This crisis places an acute need to put consumers in direct contact with an informed expert on the COVID-19 situation.
- Our clinical pharmacists will be conducting rolling online information sessions on COVID-19 & influenza to discuss measures to protect oneself and others. These sessions will occur on a daily basis from Monday 30th March, before easing back to twice weekly from the 13th April.