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I, or my authorised representative, understand and consent to the provision of the following services (where indicated and/or referred for):
Medicine Review (Home or Residential) service
Nurse Practitioner (NP) service
Geriatrician service
Risks and Benefits: I have had the opportunity to ask questions about treatment, risks, benefits, and alternatives. Any questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I understand that all treatments, including telehealth, have potential risks and benefits. Specific risks include limitations on physical examination and potential technology issues. Benefits include increased access to care and convenience.
Confidentiality: My personal health information will be kept confidential according to the law and Choice Aged Care’s privacy policy. This policy can be accessed at: https://www.choiceagedcare.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CAC-Privacy-and-Confidentiality-Policy.pdf